It's still raining
and has been for most of the winter.
I'm told this is a good thing but I count on the dry season to accomplish certain tasks like repairing the leaking vent on my roof.
The constant rain has made a smooth transition for planting my vegetable seedlings so I have high, probably unrealistic, hopes for bushels of veggies this summer. The true test is adding hot temps to the constant rain: recipe for pest success.
Dendrobium Sao Paulo in the house!
We only had one week of freezing temps this winter and I usually let most of the plants fend for themselves but this year, the freeze was late to I pulled Sao Paulo inside to protect those magnificent buds. I also covered up my young papaya trees and the Meyer lemon that was flowering.
Lots of bromeliad action
and this one is currently the biggest and the best.
In Florida, bromeliads cannot be beat for ease.
I wonder if this advertising campaign
has caused an uptick in the sales of rubber gloves?
I have to imagine that the sales figures for rubber gloves remain extremely stable.
No matter what.
My chicken hand puppet.
I'm prepping to apply to groups of preppers.
Someone's gotta take me!
I worry that I'm older and my only real skill is cutting hair
(not very important during the breakdown of society)
but surely chicken husbandry counts for something.
Let me in! I come bearing hens!
Ho hum...I could always clean more rocks.
Amazing how dirty they get.
I just collected these chunks of rose quartz from the Hogg Mine in Georgia but next time, I'll let the mine owners pick my rocks for me because the ones they loaded for my friend were waaaaay better.
Working on my jewelry.
I've finally used this beautiful piece of fossilized mammoth enamel and I like the result.
People want knits!
I've had some requests and I have the yarn to meet those requests.
Hey, is knitting a survival skill?
Yes, although more valuable in the northern climes.
Gratuitous cute dog photo.
Lilly woke up from her nap and had super cute bedhead.
Here's another cutie waiting in a bike basket.
This was one cool cat of a dog.