Tuesday, October 7, 2014

As Precarious As I Wanna Be

I don't just sit around in my house all day, every day
washing dachshunds
and photographing chickens...

It's a lot more than that.
I have a daredevil moment every time I want to pick a papaya, especially during a thunderstorm.

Sometimes I have to beat my way through fragrant trumpet flowers just to get off my deck.

I unload tons of rocks in flip flops.

Ok, it's pretty boring.
This morning I sat perfectly still and got to see a tiny bird carefully sort through tufts of fur I had just trimmed off Lilly, choosing the perfect pieces for nest construction.  I also observed a little lizard stalk a fly all the way across the deck.  I hate to crap on anyone's aspirations but I knew that wasn't gonna go down.  The fly waited until the lizard was 6" away, winked a thousands eyes, and took off. 
Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the lizard, 
it too was being stalked...
The babies are officially tweens and have begun venturing into the yard to forage.
They will eat anything.

Gratuitous cute frog picture.
Awww, hang in there buddy!  Friday's coming!

The old Ranger is gone, and in its place is a sweet new ride, which needed a sweet new system that would enable me to haul junk all over central Florida.  I had been seeing the streamlined TracRacs on trucks and decided that's what I wanted.  I scoured Craigslist for a few weeks but have come to the conclusion that there are now professional Craigslist scourers and the deals are a lot harder to come by.  I called around for pricing and ended up purchasing my TracRac from eBay for a small savings and decided to install it myself, saving another $80.
Armed with a cup of coffee and my beautiful Bosch driver, the initial construction only took about 30 minutes.  Attaching the sucker to the truck took a little longer.
When I was finished, I stood back and thought, 
"That looks like an easy way for someone to steal a few hundred dollars from me."
Bring in the big guns!
I had Mike drill through each foot of the rack and install bolts with locking nuts.
I had Mike do it because I couldn't bear the thought of drilling through my new truck, myself.
The bolts might not be foolproof but they will definitely make it a pain in the butt to get the rack off.

I'm still obsessively checking the tightness of all the bolts.  A little precariousness spices things up but I don't want to see my kayak receding in my rear view mirror as I'm cruising down I-4.

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