Tuesday, December 2, 2014

My Thanksgiving: Fantasy vs. Reality

My Thanksgiving morning began with
an Intestinal Virus.
I mostly gave thanks that I wasn't vomiting but fever, aches, diarrhea, and being bedridden for 3 days 
There goes the holiday weekend!  
Consequently, I had to do some serious expectation adjusting.

The following photo represents my fantasy Thanksgiving indicated by the amazing abundance of traditional foodstuffs I purchased for gorging:

But here is the reality of my Thanksgiving meal:

As a testament to my almost superhuman force of will, I still managed to pull over on my careful, painful journey to Walgreens and pick up a piece of trash:
Hey, I would've picked this up even if I had been vomiting.  It used to be a table lamp but it will live again as my new dining room chandelier.  Stay tuned for that project!  
You'll still be reading 3 years from now, right?

Anyhoo...I figured after 3 days on a diet of "Wal-lyte" and air I would arise from my sickbed looking something like this:
A little lean, granted, but still with great hair.

Reality check!
It was something a little closer to this but without the chicken. 
And the wine.
And the smile.

Who needs reality when we can focus our attention on something lovely like this orchid?
Thaaaat's better...

But I would be lying if I suggested my first day back in the world of the living 
didn't involve alcohol.
Weird craving for me. 
I never drink stout but something about sipping it's heavy, bitter taste gave me just enough strength to venture out where I had a fantasy of finding an amazing Black Friday/Cyber Monday/Come On You Can Do It! sale price on a good espresso maker, maybe one like this:
Not the Lexus of espresso makers but a solid Nissan, with a sale price of half the internet listing.
It may be a marketing ploy but that day NO ONE (in the 2 stores I limped through) carried a mid-range espresso maker.  It was all, MR. COFFEE or BREVILLE. 
My reality was me, leaning weakly on an empty shopping cart, pondering the latest episode of "Shilling With the Stars":
It's perfume, right?  One word: brilliant.


  1. LOL! Wal-lyte and air.... You may be on to something!
    P.S. - You are def the Alessandra of Monday night vollyleyball! ;-)

  2. YUCK, vomit & diarrhea. Not a fan of either. BUT that involuntary detox means you have some free tickets to HOLIDAY DECADENCE. The Guinness Stout was a good start. LOVE that stuff personally. Goes great with Shepherd's Pie and sour cherry pie. That's what you need...some pie.

    p.s. I wish I could have a chicken on my knee
