On the eve of taking an armload of kale to West Virginia
someone asked if it was allowed on the plane.
We shall soon find out but if TSA lets me fill my see-through quart plastic bag with little liquor bottles instead of contact lense solution and shampoo, I don't think they'll mind the kale.
I'm now a dehydrating fool.
Last season I got kale'd out but as soon as the kale was gone, I was cursing having to buy greens for my smoothies.
Ta da!
This inexpensive dehydrator makes quick work of kale, turning it into what I hope is a nutritious powder to mix with bananas and yogurt.
I recently discovered a yummy cocktail called a Pepino.
The main ingredient is cucumber infused vodka.
My thoughts exactly! That should be easy to make!
Here's my first attempt, using the first cucumber of the season from my garden.
Fingers crossed that I'm not making a batch of cucumber infused mold.
I finally had all my purebred horses shipped to me.
These were all the Breyer horses I could afford when I was a child.
Within a year of my final horse purchase, my interests turned to AC/DC albums and eyeliner.
And here's a strange occurrence...
I was getting in to my truck early one morning when this magnolia blossom fell out of the sky and splatted at my feet. I looked up to see what bird would do such a thing.
A single glance revealed a hawk, a sandhill crane, a group of ibis, A SWALLOWTAIL KITE, and, the most likely culprit, a crow. A pretty great assortment of birds to see at one time and that isn't counting all the little birds flitting around.