Monday, April 20, 2015

Vin Diesel knows...

...when you live on Crematoria
you have to make choices.
Shelling gandules on the line between "shade" and "scorch"
I noticed a stray pod that missed the compost bowl.
Let it go, man!
I'll clean that shite up after nightfall.

It's hot being green.
The natives can take the heat.

Warmed by the Florida sun.
As always, my concern for unsecured food rages on.
What if he has to slam on the brakes?!
Pineapples and mangoes everywhere!

Baby veg.

Foetal veg.
Eggplant buds.
Fingers crossed for success with my first ever eggplant...planting.

Jewelry veg.
Ah, just keeping in the theme.
Actually, I made a vegan necklace after realizing that some of my supplies, like silk cord and horn beads, had animal origins.  
It's good to have options.

Worst ever photos of a mama opossum and babies:

Lucky for her, she wasn't headed toward my veg garden and yes, that is a car, a Camaro to be exact, parked on the OTHER side of the fence.

Cactus orchid.
I've killed so many starts of this plant and had pretty much given up hope of ever getting one to bloom.  A client gave me this start and I stuck it into the nearest pot and forgot about it...
until now!

Gratuitous cute dog photo.
I still run and grab the camera every time Schotzie goes to sleep on an item I've set on the floor, but she's so predictable in that regard, I could set up random, super-cute, scenarios and create a calendar of her sleeping:  put a little crib on the floor, a portable Japanese rock garden, a hollowed out pumpkin shell.  The possibilities are endless!

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