I have never, however, been a target audience for advertisers, be it radio, TV, or now, Facebook, but every day, as I browsed the banal accountings of everyone's daily lives (which I seriously never tire of reading and emulating!) I kept seeing some kind of an "ad" to drink water with citrus and cucumber in it.
If there are any advertisers out there wanting to profit on the tiny wary niche that I inhabit, you nailed it with this damn fruit water!
After weeks of seeing photos similar to this, I bit! What was the deal with this fruit water?! The "recipe" looked simple enough: 1 gallon of water, sliced cucumber, lime, lemon, orange, and a sprig of mint. The benefits? The word "cleanse" is most often bandied about but I block this from my conscious as it sounds too much like "diet" (a word I struck from my vocabulary as a senior in high school. Another post...another blog...). The words I liked were "hydrate" and "alkaline". I'm a sugar freak and have been told I need to make my system more alkaline (not sure but probably true) and I end every evening feeling thirsty because I forget to drink enough water. I guarantee I will NOT forget to drink water if I've filled it with lots of expensive fruits and herbs!
I started taking my pitcher of fruit water to the salon with me and was surprised by the response.
Three fourths of the people that mentioned it recognized it from the FB pictures. The other 1/4 just wanted to know what the hell I was up to. Then there were the twins from the Virgin Islands, grown men, who knew EXACTLY what it was all about, told me the cucumber was alkaline and cleansing and said I could also use grapefruit (which I have seen in some of the recipes). Since they were tall and handsome and said this in a wonderful island accent, I had them repeat the info a few times.
I imagine I will slack off on the fruit water as the weather cools but it has inspired me to drink more water and it's gotten me through some long afternoons working on my dream shed that Mike roughed in for me and I've been finishing in the last of the summer's heat.
I have tried something similar to this with cucumber and ginger but I didn't like it. The citrus might make it more appealing. What is the recipe?