Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dachshunds, 'possums, and other failures

     Here's all I have to say about mixing dachshunds and 'possums: oil and water!
There is now a sturdy little knee-high fence around the compost pile.

     We recently attended the Holi festival at the local Hindu temple.  I've been wanting to do this for a few years, ever since I saw the movie "Outsourced" (NOT the TV series).  I was relishing the abandon and beauty and potential photo op of being covered in brilliant powdered pigments.
Here's what we expected:

Here's what we got:
     To be fair, my nephew is probably a little young for his first rave and, judging by my fascination with the one little packet of powdered pigment I held in my hand, future Holi's can only get better!

     I used to joke with a coworker about the pose stars use to make their waist appear slimmer.
Sometimes it works:
And sometimes it fails:

     And on the home front, my continued failure to keep my house clean.  I try, a little, but apparently if I leave any given chair untended for a day, it's a green light for a spider slum to pop up.
     And why do the Carolina wrens keep flying in through my patio door?  The chickens don't even do that.  Sometimes I see the wrens do it, sometimes I just find a tiny bird poop on the living room floor.  Maybe it's time to lose the Martha-Stewart-inspired millet centerpiece on my dining room table.

     On a positive note, a shiny little success.
     Three weeks after my initial wine grab at the Wauchula WalMart, I made it back and ran right to the clearance rack.  Two last bottles of $5 wine, forlornly waiting for me on the bottom shelf, next to the melted Jolly Ranchers and fake sparkle UGGs for toddlers.  Sorry it took me so long but you are loved!

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