I love to shop when I travel.
Seriously, I love to go to grocery stores in foreign countries and study EVERY SINGLE THING they have for sale but I only had to go to the local WalMart to find these laundry detergents meant to keep your darks DARK and your colors BRIGHT.
Who could ask for mas?
(I couldn't resist)
I was reminded of similar laundry aids I saw on a trip to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates...
Very normal for a citizen of Dubai but for me, ridiculously interesting!
NOT interesting is the shoe aisle at WalMart...
"If you go down this aisle, you are truly lost," echoed in my mind.
So I went to Dairy, instead.
Goat milk has to be a good thing, right? Goats are kind of like chickens: able to live just about anywhere on minimal resources, unlike big, voraciously hungry, yet picky, cows. I use goat milk in my coffee but only the kind in the carton; canned goat milk is VERY "goat-y". There was a time I thought I would like to have a pygmy goat in my back yard but I was warned that no matter how many weeds I had, I'd never have enough to satisfy even the smallest goat. At least they don't need a bale of hay the size of a truck!
And what about this Imusa brand?
(resist the urge to spell it "iMusa")
It's a huge line of Latin cookware that I used to only see at Bravo but now is making inroads at WalMarts; and the product selection can vary wildly from store to store. Of course, I cannot fail to notice that the rice pans and tamale pots are made in China of aluminum (you hope!) and I have no tortilla making skills, whatsoever (and do you have to wear oven mitts to grab the handles?) BUT...should anyone show up on my doorstep with a big Imusa steamer pot full of tamales veracruzanos, they will not be turned away.
Lately, when I've been out shopping, I cruise through Lowe's to see if they have any clearance paint for my dining room. I have a certain color of green in mind but the shelf has been empty...until today!
Do not doubt, ye of little faith, for I can turn this motley assortment into the color of my dreams. All this Valspar paint cost a total of $22.50 AND the cash register spit out a rebate form which I always send in and for which I will receive a $5 check. You can't beat that with a stick!
And here's the new bowl from Pepper Creek Pottery in Homosassa, Florida:
Simple and homey and made right here in Florida by a very nice lady.
It's always good to return home after a shopping trip. There are things in my yard that you can't buy at the store.
Braille eggs.
Heirloom picklers.
With the help of a simple brine recipe, they go from cucumber to refrigerator pickle in 30 minutes.
The house is redolent (I love that word!) with the smell of garlic and dill.
I can't wait to make the next batch!
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