Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Knitting, past and present

     Just past, actually.
     A few years ago, someone gave me a book titled Kitschy Knits.  It's a collection of photos from old knitting patterns with very funny descriptions written by the author.  I've always enjoyed looking through old patterns (sewing, knitting, crochet, etc.) and a recent donation of unused craft items yielded some great pamphlets.  
     I know that a topic like this could go on forever; it's a well-traveled path and I'm no comedian, but just in case you're not aware of our past trends, I'll post a few pictures so that you won't be doomed to repeat them.
     To paraphrase a line from an episode of Chappelle Show, I can't say anything about this photo that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan. 

     This confuses me and every time I look at it, I'm confused anew.  What is this?!  Did anybody every really wear anything like this?  Raffia?!  Look closely at this mess of raffia loops and "bangles": it's upsetting and it looks dangerously "snaggy."

      Well, she LOOKS happy.  Maybe she is.  I can't imagine she got paid much for the photo shoot so maybe they let her keep the outfit and she really did like it.

     I choose to end this brief sojourn on a positive note.  I find this photo very appealing.  Despite the fact that the guy on the left looks more like a college professor than a student, the image has great energy and the knits aren't half-bad either.  Cute!


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