Saturday, February 8, 2014

"Do you party?"

     I was riding my bicycle to the grocery store when a young man pulled over and rolled down his window.  
     I hate when people ask me for directions because not only am I directionally challenged, I also get stage fright when entrusted with the task of helping someone find their destination.  I always realize later that I left out vast, vital chunks of information.   So I steeled myself to knowingly send another innocent on a wild goose chase.
     The young man smiled and asked, "Do you party?"  
     Here is EXACTLY what I looked like, as chronicled by a Winn-Dixie employee that day (I've since fixed the bangs...I think):
     I'm out of the loop that I was never in to start with but I really, really wanted to ask, "Do I look like I party?!"
     I suspect his question had to do with drugs but he didn't mention Lipitor or Xanax so I continued on my way, calling out a lighthearted, "Nope!"  
     As I bicycled away, I heard him ask, "Do you have a boyfriend?"  What an entrepreneur! 

     And now, for a gratuitous photo of Tom Hardy:
I'll party now! Please? :-)



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