Saturday, February 8, 2014

Survival of the fittest: Herbs

     I hate to think of all the money I've wasted trying to create that picture-perfect herb garden.
I blame the herbs.

     Potted herbs require a level of care that I am unable to give; before I know it, I have pots filled with dried herbs which I could have just bought for 87¢ in the Badia section at Winn-Dixie.

     Slowly...sooo slowly...I have been creating a potted herb garden that has the right stuff to survive in my world.
     The diehards are a grim looking rosemary, a lush kaffir lime tree, and a shock of lemongrass.

     I was given a start for a type of basil that likes it rough.  No fragile, pillowy leaves on this basil plant; it has small sturdy leaves that can handle all the negligence I can dish out.

     A start of chives is finally growing now that I've got it protected from the hens.  They managed to pull it out of the pot 3x before I tried the tera cotta barrier.

     On the rare occasions that I break down and purchase fresh herbs, I get the Living Herbs brand.  It is packaged with a root ball that can be transplanted and since I needed the herb anyway, I don't feel as bad if I kill the plant.  I now have productive mint and thyme plants by doing it this way.
     Slowly but surely.

     Speaking of hens...
     They all insist on laying their eggs in the same nest even though they have 3 to choose from.  This leads to a lot of bickering and ruffled feathers as they jockey for position.  I suspect that when the egg is ready to go, there's no holding it back.
     Bath time for the hens looks a little different than you might expect.  Maude, Pearl, and Opal are enjoying their daily dirt bath in this photo and also demonstrating why, after I plant veggies, I have to put all the fencing back up on the planter boxes.

     And the papayas keep rolling in...

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