Friday, August 16, 2013

Yes, yes, it's hot...

     I'm in the middle of my summer doldrums.  In Florida, the hottest part of the summer equates to the coldest part of the winter up north:  people tend to hide out inside, trying to avoid the weather, snuggling up to a hot cup of cocoa or an iced liter of sweet tea, depending on your situation.
     Normally I would do some surf fishing as the hottest day on the beach doesn't bother me, but I've been preoccupied with blogs and crafts and physically recovering from my fossiling season.
     Everyone's feeling a little beat down and grungy but I try to do at least one productive thing every day, even if it's as simple as folding a load of laundry.
     I venture outside between the hours of 8am and 8:15am, before it's too miserably hot and try to get the chickens situated, pull 3 weeds, and then run back inside to hunker down for the rest of the day. 
     The little green frog, above, stayed in that spot on the front of my house until nightfall.  That frog knows what's what!
     The view from my kitchen window is great because my patio plants thrive in crushing heat and humidity.  These are a couple of bird's nest ferns, a staghorn fern, and a collection of tillandsias (air plants).
     So I turn my vision inside and continue to strive towards mild productivity.
     I cut some rounds of fossilized deer antler with my Dremel.  I'm going to experiment with polishing them in a vibratory tumbler and if that goes well, I'll use them in jewelry projects.
     And then there's this stack of goodies I need to address.  These are the sides of drawers from dressers that were being thrown away.  Old dresser drawers are often made of oak which gives you a nice quality piece of craft wood for favorite word.  I know what I'm going to do with these pieces; I just need to get it together and do it.  The branch on top is a piece of citrus wood I am drying out.  I would like to make it into beads but that would best be done on my nonexistent band saw...
     Oh, Mike...Christmas is coming...

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