Saturday, June 14, 2014

Examples of Superlatives

A Short List
And most of these will tend toward the biggest...

Biggest gourd
     I had just found the perfect cucuzzi frittata recipe when these behemoths got away from me.  I have found gourds this size "hidden" in the leaves.  Surprise!  Too big to eat at this stage but I should have lots of seeds to share this year.

Biggest pizza
Even surrounded by hungry boys, most of this pie went home as carry-out.

Biggest instruction booklet-to-device ratio
This is why I have not yet used my birthday GoPro.

Biggest agave
I posed a child in front of this monster for scale but I could've really shown off its size if I'd posed it with just the dachshunds.  I want my blue agave to grow this big.  
A girl can dream...

Biggest ball of twine...wait for it...
at the local, understocked hardware store
(superlative balls of twine can be a hotly contested category)
I wish I needed this much twine.
I'm mesmerized... 

Most creative use of popsicle sticks
"Edward Popsicle Hands": an even kinder, gentler creature.

Fiercest cat
This kitty was protecting my  truck from me. might be for the best.

Loneliest dachshund
It's not as sad as it looks.
She just can't stand that a pane of glass is preventing her from begging for food in person.

Sweetest dachshund
Anyone who knows Lilly knows she really is this ridiculously sweet.

Best summer
(to be determined but I'm working on it)

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