Thursday, July 10, 2014

Barbie's Opium Den

I couldn't tell you why I decided to paint my dining room pink,
but I did.
I wanted to break away from a lifetime of neutral tans, seafoam greens, and slate blues.
I wanted to be exotic.
I wanted Barbie's Dream House but instead, I wound up in her opium den.

Finally, after years of bitching and moaning, I transformed the room into 
a more sober version of my vision...
Lesson learned.
Goo goo g'joob.

I recently went for an eye exam.  
Dizzy with dilated pupils, I stumbled into the Women's bathroom and was confronted by this poster,
which immediately caused me to stumble back out of the bathroom and confirm that I was, indeed, in the correct facility.  
So I sat down and enjoyed the view.

But I wonder if the old opium den vibe persists when I look at the reading selection on my nightstand:
These books appeared within 2 months of my declaration that 
"I'm never going to read the Dune books again!"
To be fair, I've never read these Dune books and I've been finding them quite entertaining.
Fear not, Faulkner!  I shall return! (after I'm done with the literary slumming)

Fruit or Fiction?
It's not a hallucination; it's fresh lychees.
I've never had fresh lychees before so I enjoyed the heck out of the ones I got from a South Florida friend.  The "rind" is hard and psychedelic pink while the edible part is the opposite:
I wish I could grow these but I was told that even South Florida is almost too cold for lychees.
Hard to believe.

The snack aisle at Petco...
Like crack for dogs.

I guess we all have issues.
I'd better sleep this one off.

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