Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Tom Cruise maneuver

This bin of men's underwear stopped me short.
     I can understand a hottie juggling his citrus in his skivvies, but air guitar with a broom?  
My first thought was, 
"Put that nasty broom down!"
     If Mike pulled these shenanigans, I'd have to force a little laughter so as not to hurt his feelings, and then try to get the dang broom away from him.

It wasn't but a few aisles later that I came across these:
First thought: migraine glasses.
But as I stared at them in fascination, I realized they might be soothing if I was having a migraine; sipping a cool liquid... 
 Naw!  I'll stick with pharmaceuticals. 

I treated myself to a new Frisbee
My old Frisbee was so torn up from landing on pavement, my fingers would be raw after 30 minutes of play.  The new Frisbee: silky smooth!

When one of the legs broke off my grill while it was filled with hot coals, I had to concede that
 it was no longer safe so...
I treated myself to a new grill
"RTA and me" go together like "gin and tonic."
I've put together grills, smokers, a shed, and enough cheap furniture to fill a seedy apartment complex.
Grills seems relatively expensive but at least I know I'll get several years of use out of it (jury-rigging it the whole way) until it, too, collapses in a pile of rust flakes.

But there's one expense I can no longer bear:
The constant Florida showdown between fishing gear and salt water.
     Trust me, I've bought all kinds of reels, expensive and cheap, and I've cleaned them with everything from high end reel maintenance products to Pledge.  I've still had to take my expensive reels in for repairs so many times, I could've bought new reels (of course!) and the cheap ones, right in the trash.  I just bought 2 more reels in a vacation area (so you know they were waaay overpriced) and as I watched the boys wade through the waves with the reels completely submerged, I thought, "What's the point?"  From now on, the cheapest of the cheap from WalMart and this time I PROMISE to keep my receipts and packaging!

How long has 7-11 offered this option?
I was very excited to spy the Leche al Vapor button this morning.
Warning: the steamed milk is pre-sweetened but not overly sweet so it was tolerable.  
Now, if only 7-11 had some good coffee to put this in.

     I took my Frisbee, and my grill, and my coffee back  home to work on my own Martha Stewart maneuvers.  The yard work is so much harder without a staff of hundreds.  
And I WISH I could afford her plastic surgeon!  Check out this photo:
I know it's photoshopped but isn't she like, 90?
Aim for the stars!

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