Friday, July 3, 2015

There will be guavas

Such patience.
Years ago, I bought a small guava tree from my favorite plant man at the Mt. Dora flea market.
I kept it in a pot, as an ornamental, for a number of years and then, one day, I noticed a guava.
I moved it from the pot to the ground and waited.
And waited.
And waited!!!
Lots of blooms every spring but no guavas so I returned to my plant man and explained the situation.
He originally hails from Vietnam and in his soft accent asked, 
"Are you nice to your tree?"
That gave me pause, and I truthfully answered, "Not really."
He said, "You go to bed, no food, nothing to drink.  How you feel in the morning?  Bad!  That how your guava feel."  
Chastened, I purchased a companion guava tree, promised to do better, and returned home.
I now have some of the most spoiled guava trees in the county.
Still waiting...

I won't be waiting long for my cantaloupes, though.
This is an heirloom variety and this is as big as it will get.  
Always trying to outpace the insects and nematodes.
In the meantime, the rest of the garden is toast so I've opened the gate 
and the chickens have free reign. 
Hopefully this little guy has moved on to a more secure hiding place.
One leaf does not a sanctuary make.

I had to include this photo
of a rock that looks like a potato.  Very very potato-like.

A recent serving of fresh lychees from down south.
I wonder if I would have to have a greenhouse in Florida to grow these in the central part of the state.
So delicious!

With great sadness
I announce the loss of my 7 year old tabebuia in a recent storm.
I hardly got to know ya!
(No trucks were harmed in the taking of this photograph)
Now my front room is extremely bright and hot.  I've already planted a new tree but it looks like a twig in comparison.

The orchids bring me solace.

This latest from the hardware store has a wonderful scent.

Subtle bromeliad beauty abounds.

I'm gearing up for a couple of lazy, heat-blasted summer months.
Here's a recent photo from the napping dog pile of kids and dachshunds.

Stay cool!

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